Size and Printing...What Really Matters?

Credit: Rachael H. Boyer Photography

Credit: Rachael H. Boyer Photography

Have you ever been to a wedding and the bride and groom have an awesome "Engagement" photo in a beautiful frame next to the guest sign-in book, and the beautiful photograph has a white matte border that all the guests can sign?  Prior to our wedding, my wife and I attended a friends wedding and we fell in love with the idea ourselves and decided we had to have it at our wedding.

So when Rachael H. Boyer did our engagement photos, we picked out our favorite and decided that this photo on the right was perfect.  Needless to say we procrastinated and suddenly found ourselves running out of time to get the photo printed and enlarged and then matted and framed.

Pressed for time we visited a chain office supply store and scheduled them to print out the picture 16x20 and we planned on using another company for the framing.  Long story short, our beautiful black and white came back printed in an odd "dollar green" tint.  We used a bargain printer and we got a poor quality print.  Lesson learned.


My second story is about decorating our son Noah's nursery.  We decided that we needed to print and frame some of the wonderful photos we were taking everyday and hang them up in his nursery.  We had a coupon to a decent online photo printing site and we used it but it limited us to 5x7 prints.  While waiting for the prints to arrive we visited our local retailers and found an eclectic collection of 5x7 frames to decorate his nursery with.  When the prints arrived and we organized the frames, much to our chagrin the small framed photos just seemed lost on the walls of his nursery.


So I can hear the grumbling from the audience, "we get it, get to the point already";...There is a time and a place where your photos, those "Moments", deserve to be printed with the best quality color on the finest quality paper and like the artwork that they are so that they can be displayed over your mantle, over the couch in your formal living room, over the bed of your master bedroom or over the crib of your child's nursery.  Take down the tacky black velvet Elvis or the $20 lithograph poster size reprint of of Monet's "Water Lillies" and hang those wonderful photos collecting dust in those photo albums stacked deep in the back of the hall closet or stuffed in boxes in your attic.  Somewhere in there could be a wonderful work of photographic art displaying a moment in time almost long forgotten.   Your relatives, your special life events, those precious "Moments" , they all deserve better!!!

Below is an image that displays sizes:

blog photo.jpg

So ask yourself, what size above do you think would look best over your couch, your mantle, or your child's crib?